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Mother Earth ❀️ you
Guiding the body's natural ability to heal






How We stack up

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Finding the finest herbs in all of motherland.
Onground relationships with farmers.
Rigourus lab testing (no humans were harmed)
You CAN have both, health and taste .
  • used for over 4,000 years

    |Potent Anti-inflammatory properties | Rich source of antioxidants | Helps regulate blood pressure | Supports healthy cholesterol levels | Boosts the immune system | Antimicrobial properties| . Himalayasβ€”cinnamon, black pepper, and ginger. Β Piperine in our black pepper increases turmeric absorption by 20x.
  • 3X Curcumin = 3X Benfits

    Higher Curcumin = Enhanced health benefits . Lakadong turmeric renowned for its exceptionally high curcumin content, between 7-12%. Stronger anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Grown in Pristine Conditions

    Cultivated in the hilly regions of Meghalaya, India, rich soil, high altitude, and organic farming practices allow our turmeric to thrive without the use of chemicals or pesticides, ensuring a purer and more nutrient-dense product.
  • Tastier then the tastiest

    With only the finest single sources ingredients used. Ginger, black pepper, Lakadong turmeric, cinammon . With a whole lot of love added along the journey from soil to cup.
  • Used for over 3000 Years

    |Stress reduction | Anxiety and Mood Support | Hormonal balance | Energy and vitality | KSM-66 is a full-spectrum Ashwagandha extract, developed over 14 years of research. It is the highest concentration of full-spectrum extract available. With over 22+ human studies .
  • Full spectrum ?

    A β€œfull-spectrum” extract is an extract which maintains the balance of the various constituents as in the original herb, without over-representing any one constituent.
  • Zorro Your Stallion is here...

    Known as Indian ginseng, β€œAshwa” means stallion, symbolizing the strength and vitality this herb provides.
  • Sleep like its sunday everyday

    One of the most powerful natural sleeping aids known to science. Yes , we do recommend you set 5 alarms for next morning.
  • a Herb from the gods themselves

    |Improves Memory & Helps Prevents Memory Loss | Supports ADHD patients | Aids in the Treatment of Alzheimer's and Schizophrenia | Reduces Cortisol Levels | Brahmi, a herb so powerful it is named after the hindu god Brahma, the creator of the universe.
  • Highest Concentration!

    At the Amulya Research Center, the team of doctors developed a proprietary method to grow, cultivate, and process Brahmi with the highest concentration of Bacosides and other active compounds.
  • Wont need chat gpt after this...

    Enhances cognitive function naturally like nothing else. It's well-known for its nootropic properties, helping to improve memory, concentration, and learning ability. It supports brain function by enhancing synaptic communication and protecting neurons from damage.
  • double rainbow

    What separates Brahmi from many other herbs is its unique ability for dual impact of promoting clarity and memory while helping the body cope with stress and anxiety. This combination makes it particularly valuable for those seeking a holistic approach to mental wellness.

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